
What am I willing to lose to gain what I needed to gain?

Distractions, tricks …..war is all about deception (spiritual or otherwise). Things are never as they seem. Why should the enemy attack you simply to provoke you to fight and annihilate him? Think about it, If it’s too obvious then chances are that it’s not that obvious.

War is not about numbers or might. It’s about strategy. Everything done is a calculated move. Nothing is done by impulse or by anxiety. Military muscle is good but the bigger muscles do not guarantee automatic success. Current and older history is replete with these.

Prayer is as much about the words we speak as it is about the mindset we carry. If God will not go back on his word but will watch it come to pass, then why do we go back on our words when situations don’t align. Why do we repray the prayer? There’s nothing wrong with pushing but I guess the question here is from where are we pushing from? Is our perspective a reaction and a fight towards the unwanted results we are getting or is a confident push calling forth the result we know?

Prayer is powerful but power needs a stable heart. Power needs a strong heart.

Be careful or anxious about nothing.

Anxiety cripples the execution of this power. How good are we at keeping our cool (not in just the appearance but through and through) when hell seems to be breaking loose? Can you sleep through a storm well knowing that the storm has nothing on you? Can you sit still and let that fire burn knowing that this fire burning is for a lesson tomorrow to the next generation about the power we have? Victory is not the in absence of obstacles. The harbour is a good place but ships are made for open seas!

We are more than conquerors…do we even know what that statement means?

So you go to church, the man of God decrees a blessing over you. You go home excited. But on Tuesday situations begin to behave like they didn’t hear what was declared on Sunday. Worse, some things actually turn for the worse. Then (impulsively) you remember that you have the power to act so … cue the first temptations of Jesus….if thou art the son of God, command the stones to turn into bread. Loosely translated, “If you’re the son of God, use your power to turn this situation to what is gonna make you happy.” Nothing wrong with that ….yes.? But maybe he pulls a Genesis… “Did your man of God really say this will change? Perhaps pray a little more, fight a little more, maybe his words were not sufficient.” All this to elicit from us a reaction to the results seen as opposed to a rest in the truth declared. (and by rest we don’t mean inactivity)

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Wait, hold up a minute…
Why peace? Why not “and the desires of your heart shall be granted?” Or even “and that which you have prayed for shall come to pass immediately?”

Again I’m not downplaying prayer or the need to be hardlined on what we desire to see come to pass. No! The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. But force or violence without understanding is futile and detrimental. It burns one out.

So Peace, why peace?

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: To set at one again

Basically to reset. Why do we reset anything? Well, because that thing is to acting or behaving in a manner contrary to its design or desired outcome. And that’s what God does- he resets us. Anxiety and panicking (with whatever justification and in what size, shape or color) are not part of our code. This power cannot function in that state. When peace comes we stop seeing the result presented. We are drawn back to the result in the word of God, and from that we draw and build faith for our next move. Otherwise how do we expect to feed 5000 men(Not counting women and children) when the results are that the only food available is a little boy’s lunch?

So sometimes it might be a song of dance as a way forward. Other times it could be some deep tongues. It might be that we need to address something specific in the equation. Whatever our eyes see to do from this place, we can have the confidence that it’s of faith and therefore the results are guaranteed.

There’s nothing wrong with turning stones to bread. The question will always be, what is the true purpose behind this act? Are we acting solely to prove that we have power or are we (in alignment to purpose) acting in faith?

What are we willing to lose to gain the thing we need?

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